Sunday, January 6, 2013

Frosty Morning - Critters

A frosty morning found the Quail out and about.

This Pine Siskin was looking for water to drink.  The birdbaths were all frozen, but the Ali-Baba fountain continued to gurgle along. 

The Junco waited as I set out sunflower seeds.

The Scrub Jay hoped for a slice or two of stale bread. 

"Brrr!", said the Juncos, "We have on our down jackets!"   

The Chickadee was warmly dressed too.

This Steller's Jay warmed up in the early morning sunshine.

Another Chickadee - they flit around and are difficult to photograph.

The Juncos are more patient and less frightened - easier to capture digitally.
The gathering crowd begins to chant, "Bring on the chow!"

The Song Sparrow figured out that the Ali-Baba fountain still had running water.  She stopped by for a refreshingly cold drink before breakfast.


  1. Oh the birds look so lovely. At least it looks dry where you are. Here it's been raining for 3 days! That's all I hear. Our birds must be inside keeping dry!

  2. Wonderful pictures! I have heard that birds need water almost as much as food in the winter. We are past the freezing cold so hopefully they are doing well with all the moisture around. We are just doing food at this time.

  3. awwww I feel the brrr too may be I need a feather coat
    I always have water out for the birds and break the ice for them :) love mouse xxxx

  4. I thought of you Saturday morning, when I was lazing in bed and my husband opens the blind and says 'Wow, a woodpecker!' It stayed a few minutes... but I didn't get up to enough...Like I said, lazing around... Enjoyed your frosty morning visit! Hugs!


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