Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What to Do What to Do?

A new month, a new stitching theme.
What to do?

What to do?
As you can see I've pulled out far, far too many charts to tackle this month.  My over-arching theme is that of my blog header - reindeer! (with a few 'extras' thrown in).

Lots of rainy days lately.  One storm ends and the next rolls on in. 

The Juncos appear not to mind. 

The Anna's Hummingbirds though...

I don't think they much care for the weather.

This one looks grumpy to me.

He was under the cover of the Front Porch.

He was busy guarding the nectar feeder from usurpers!


Fortuitously, "The Register Guard" just published an article on Anna's Hummingbirds and you can read it here.  It opens to the story tab - click on the photo tab to see a lovely photo of an Anna in the snow.  I'm jealous as the woman in the article thinks she has something like 40 Anna's hanging out on her property!


  1. Aww all the birds are so sweety pie..kisses for them
    Good luck what you chose ..all are so cute x

  2. Sometimes I think we have too many choices Beth, I wouldn't know where to start. The photo on the link is so pretty.

  3. What a lovely and fun collection of charts. I don't know how you'll ever narrow it down, lol.

  4. Beth, I just love seeing your bird pictures! Good luck with your choices. I think I do big projects so I don't have to make so many decisions!

  5. I wish I had hummingbirds in the winter! Our weather was in the 70's on Monday - very unusual for December in Illinois.

    You've certainly pulled alot of charts out. I like them all, but I'm partial to Lizzie Kate and snowmen. Have fun choosing!

  6. I have so many Christmas charts I wouldn't know where to begin but we will anxiously be awaiting to see what you choose.

    Your nature photos are so lovely. About stitching in public....years ago when I lived in the Chicago area 2 friends and I stitched on the commuter train every day. I got a lot done in those days ha ha. I was sitting outside on Halloween night handing out the candy and some man with his kids hollered from the sidewalk and asked me what I was stitching! a man! I was definitely surprised.

  7. I like the LK ornaments. I also love the BD Xmas sampler.

  8. I love all of your bird photos!

    I can't wait to see what you decide to stitch. I love being spoiled for choice, but sometimes the choices can be overwhelming. In a good way. ;)

  9. I personally think it would be neat to see you to those lizze Kate little birds. Also wanted to see if you wanted to do a private exchange with me.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.