Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Invisible Turkey and Trail Cam Critters

Here's what I've done on "Happy Gobble Gobble Day" - not much!  I finished the border while stitching during the breaks of basketball game, and started the alphabet and vines during a couple of evenings at home.  The turkey has feet, but otherwise is Cheshire Cat invisible.  This is such a busy time of year - it is hard to find time to stitch. 

Let's take a look at the best of our Trail Camera pictures from the month of November.  I thought with shorter days and worsening weather, we might see a downturn in the number of animals.

Not so!  We started off with a bear!  I know it is hard to see - the bear is on the right, in front of the tree.  Clicking on the picture to enlarge it will help you view the bear. 

I included this because it amused me.  A close up of the ear of a deer.

Here's a better shot of a large Bobcat.

And this, I think is yet another (different) Bobcat.  I seems to me the one in the photo taken on 14th is a larger animal, and I think the tails of the two animals are different.   

We also had a couple of nice Bucks come on by.

Based on the antlers, this is a different animal from the one above.

And finally!  A photo that shows a couple of deer crossing Dorothy's Creek.  See the one on the other far creek bank to the left of the big tree?

This maybe our best photo yet.  Two young Bobcat kittens!  I like to think that Mama Cat is lurking somewhere close by just outside of the range of this photograph.  Click on it to take a closer look.  They are adorable!


  1. Thanks for sharing your wildlife pictures - how exciting! Nice start on the turkey :-)

  2. The wildlife shots are great.

  3. Wow. just like lions and tigers and bears...oh my.

  4. I do enjoy when you share your webcam shots. The kittens are so adorable, how great to see them on your property.

  5. I LOVE your trail cam photos! Thanks so much for sharing. Those bobcat babies are the cutest!

  6. How lucky you are to have so much wildlife to view! Thanks for sharing the pictures!

  7. I love the wildlife photos so much
    Big hugs x

  8. love the invisible turkey you are really smoking those needles ... can't keep up with you ... fantastic shots of the wild animals you got too ... :) love mouse xxxx

  9. A Bear !!!!!! WOW and here's me with my badgers.

  10. Wow! It must be exciting to see this wildlife so close. The trail cam has such good clarity. I'm sure Mama Cat is nearby and I'm imagining that her kittens are looking towards her.

    I like the invisible turkey too.

    Thanks for sharing!!

  11. I love seeing those trail photos! The baby cats are so cute!!!!

  12. I love the trail cam updates!
    The baby!!!

  13. Great pictures on the trail camera! I love the bear photo. Nice progress on your stitching--LOL at the feet minus the turkey! :)

  14. I'm partial to bears for some reason but those bobcat babies are just wonderful! Love the variety of wildlife you get. Our biggest critters here are coyotes and deer besides skunks, possums, hawks, etc.
    Stitching? what's that? I agree it's very hard this time of year to find the time.


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