Sunday, November 25, 2012

Nature Big and Small

When you are 'normally' an Indoor Cat... can find the smallest of creatures just plain fascinating.

No earthworms were harmed in this exploration!

I liked the contrast of the bright bluer Steller's Jay against the yellow and green Hazelnut leaves.

It appears the Pine Siskins have just the smallest bit of yellow on their wings...

...until they spread their wings wide!  Then quite a nice yellow band of color becomes visible.  

Even though it has been raining, the Ali-baba fountain remains a popular bathing location. 

The BBBs (Boring Brown Birds - as my sister refers to them) are quite pretty when closely examined.


  1. lol about your cat! My Mia is fascinated by anything that moves. She loves chasing down insects and playing with them. lol! And that's indoors since she doesn't go out.

  2. The photo with the bird's wing spread out is just so lovely to see and the one with the water droplets in the bath is just perfect too.

  3. aww sweet..
    i love your cat and birds so much..
    i love birds so much..
    hugs x

  4. Beautiful pictures as always. Love the cat. I miss the crazy playfulness of a cat. Thanks for sharing yours.

  5. Catching up to reading blogs today! Under the weather again. I wish people would be more aware of what they are doing, coming to work sick, driving with cold air coming in the car, etc... Loved all your posts, as usual! Seeing the cat play with the worm is hilarious! It amazes me what they find fascinating! Love Chihuly's works! Lovely, lovely, lovely! And of course, your stitching is always perfect. I am wondering how the silver thread will be with two strands... It is a difficult thread to use--been there! Off to read some more! Hugs!

  6. You must always have your camera in your hands to get such lovely photos. As always, I really enjoy seeing the birds that visit your yard.

    As I was walking up my sidewalk yesterday, there was a woodpecker in my tree just pecking way. I was surprised it didn't fly away as I was only about 3 feet away from it. I stopped to admire him and even talked to him. He stopped pecking for just a second to look at me and then continued going after whatever it was on the tree. It made me think of you and all the birds you get to watch everyday!

  7. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing. xx

  8. The cat is so funny! I do enjoy all your bird photos!

  9. Your kitty had a good time of exploration it appears! I love the pictures of the pine siskins--they were really going to town on the bird seed! I looked out the kitchen door window the other day, and there was a bunch of black-capped chickadees flying in and taking turns at a little birdbath, then zooming up to my nearby bay tree! It was kind of cold, but they didn't care--it was time for their baths!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.