Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Musings on a Lovely Weekend

Design - "Little Owl Sampler"
Magazine - "Just Cross Stitch" - Halloween 2012
Designer - The Knotted Tree
Fabric - 36 count Basketweave Lakeside linen
Fibers - GAST, WDW, Crescent Colours - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 29 October 2012
Completed - 31 October 2012

I think this is more an Autumn piece than specifically a Halloween stitch.  I quite like it.

The weather this weekend was unseasonal.  We reached a high of 72F on Sunday - crazy!

Sunday morning I heard a large "V" of geese as they flew overhead.

Isn't amazing that they don't wreck and crash into one another? 

I've kept out a few Salvia for the Anna Hummingbirds.

They seem to appreciate having 'natural' nectar in November. 

I enjoy watching them.  I'm not sure how many Annas we have. 

Any time there are two around there's an ensuing territorial battle.  For such little things, they certainly are feisty!

We ended our lovely Sunday with a nice sunset. 
If you look in the center just below the top of the trees you can see three ducks flying homeward for the evening.

I hope you had a lovely weekend too!


  1. Fantastic shots of the great outdoors. Lovely finish as well!

  2. aww such a cute finish..i love it from my heart..
    beautiful pictures xxx

  3. Love your beautiful little finish. And of course your photos too

  4. 72??? Jealous! It's been solidly in the 40's here all day since the hurricane. I *was* going to walk to the polling place tomorrow but it will probably only be in the 30's in the morning. Ugh. Think I'll wait until he gets home from work and go in the car. lol

  5. I agree, the new owl piece is more fall than Halloween. It's very cute!! Great hummingbird photos. We had a very damp week-end! You were lucky.

  6. Your owl piece is adorable! I love the photos of the hummingibrds.

    72 degrees--lucky you! Though, I admit I do like it cooler. My mom is visiting from Delaware and she is acting like our low 50s is arctic weather. LOL


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