Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lazy Rainy Days Sun 10/28

The Activity Level drops dramatically on rainy days.

I usually have a companion in the Craft Room.  Often it is Solomon in this wicker basket.

Parvati prefers to sleep atop the Pottery Barn Stitching Chair in my bedroom (thus the towel draped across it).

Tom-Cat has a favorite tube in the Family Room.

While Padma prefers the comfort of a water bed.

I hope you too have a restful and comfortable Sunday!


  1. Ah, the life of a cat. lolol! Love the pics of your brood!

  2. I love to see your cat family photos. The relaxed poses say it all:-)

  3. We have had one of those days, intended to be active and play golf but ended up in front of the fire looking at the horrible weather outside.

  4. mmmm we have had the exact same sort of day .. Master Bentley snoozing while I stitched :)

    had a quick browse through your other posts and some gorgeous shots of the birds with the berries :)
    glad you got your garden patio sorted for winter we did some tidying up yesterday and boy did I know about it
    take care :) love mouse xxxx

  5. Love the kitty pics Beth. Makes me want to take a nap.


  6. Your cats are so beautiful! Our kitties will pile on the bed and sometimes under the covers if it's really cold at night, but they always come to get us up in the morning because it's their favorite time--eat o'clock!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.