Monday, September 17, 2012

Farmer Brown and His Dahlias

Here's my progress on Schoolroom Sampling's "Farmer Brown".  I've actually stitching quite a bit more since I took this photo.  I think I might even manage to finish it sometime this week.

We'll pretend that in September Farmer Brown is working in his dahlia patch because that makes a nice segue to:

This last weekend the Lane County Dahlia Society held their 49th Annual Dahlia Show at the Lane County Events Center.  As my sister is president of the organization, I stopped by to see the displays.

There were dahlias to the left...

...and dahlias to the right!

And dahlias straight ahead!

Three AA-sized blooms

Three Orchid style blooms

'Basket of the Show' (left)

Best Basket of A-sized or AA-sized dahlias
Seven perfect blooms of 'Nick Sr.' 

A-sized semi-cactus dahlia entries

Triple of 'Alfred Grille'

So many pretty blooms!    


  1. farmer looks cute. the flowers are so pretty. your sister did a great job. thank you for sharing.

  2. Oh I just love dahlias Beth. I have never had such a sad season of dahlias in my life. I have had hardly any blooms on any of them. And they are of different types and different locations!?!

  3. I always surprised at the number of different dahlias there are.

    Wishing you a good week ahead.

  4. What a delightful mix of dahlias, they are just stunning.

  5. I love Farmer Brown so far. And the dahlias. Wow!

  6. Aww the farmer is so cute..
    Lovely flowers xxx

  7. Great progress! What a roomfull of beauty! I can't imagine seeing all those amazing flowers in one place. Have a great week!

  8. I love Farmer Brown and the dahlias are just magnificent!

  9. You always pick such cute pieces, Beth--love Farmer Brown... And, oh, those dahlias are amazing--mine look nothing like those (unfortunately!)...

  10. Farmer Brown is looking great!

    I can't grow Dahlias for the life of me, but I sure love looking at their blooms. I wish we'd have a show like that around here.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing all the great dahlia photos, Beth--they are gorgeous!

  12. I just love dahlias. These photos are definitely a treat!


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