Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Radish and Jack's Garden Revisited

Design - "Radical Radish"
Designer - Ewe & Eye & Friends
Fabric - 40 count Standstone linen
Fibers - Anchor & GAST - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 1 September  2012
Completed - 3 September 2012

My stitching theme for September is "The Garden" and "Radical Radish" is my first stitch.  As the month progresses, it will be clear that I interpret "The Garden" in a very broad fashion to include all the plants, animals, and insects that reside there. 

Here we are and it is September!  I showed off my Uncle Jack's garden back in early July.  As part of the Tuesday Garden Party, let's take another look.  In late August it was still an active vibrant garden. 

He told me he thought he has over 20 Hydrangeas!

He also has Dahlias...

...and Arisaema for super fall interest!

The Silver Eryngium contasted nicely with Rhododendrons. 

A lovely 'Eden" Rose.


A quiet pond...

...and fall blooming Cyclamen...

...and Ligularia.
What's not to enjoy?


  1. Beautiful garden. Love those dahlias . Your radish finish is very cute

  2. Love your radish finish! And that garden -- heavenly!

  3. That.is one mighty fine looking radish! And Jack's garden is beautiful! Love the dahalias!

  4. It's beautiful...I'd like to be sitting by that pond right about now :)

  5. The dahlias are so bonnie, the colours just jump out at you. I love to look at them but don't keep them as over here they act as a magnet for earwigs which I don't like.

  6. Once again, gorgeous photos! You're uncle must be quite a guy :) I love those Eden roses...have always loved the big cabbage type roses. Stunning!

    Thanks for sharing!

  7. aww very lovely garden..and your stitching is so sweet too.
    love x

  8. Your garden stitch is cute and what a lovely garden!!

  9. What a fun piece! Love your garden pics and also love your new blog header!

  10. What a gorgeous garden this is, Beth--I love the fall-blooming cyclamen in particular. I've never tried to grow it before, but they sure are pretty!

  11. Beautiful pictures from the garden.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  12. Oh my goodness those Eden roses are dreamy. Love those!

    Great little stitchy too! I'm the only one around here that likes radishes - very under appreciated vegetable I say.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.