Saturday, July 14, 2012

While You Were Sleeping

Do you have any idea what goes on around here when you sleep in on a lazy Saturday morning?  Basically the critters go on about their business - observed or not.

The male California Quail are ever alert this time of year.

This clever fellow used my garden cart as his lookout post.

Is there anything cuter than frolicking bunnies?
You have to get up early in the morning to see the bounding bunnies.

Early morning is apparently the time for bunny ablutions as well.

Who knew bunnies took 'dust baths'.

I am happy to report a second family of baby quail! 
Another large group of tiny little fluff-balls has appeared.

My mother found this fellow while weeding a flowerbed one morning this week.  He is a Northwestern Gartersnake (Thamnophis ordinoides).

We are to have yet another lovely day.  We are off to visit several gardens in Cottage Grove, OR.  I'm certain I'll have reasons to take lots of pictures. 


  1. Beth! You had the cutest pictures going until that awful snake! Our last home had snakes, the kind escapes me right now. The kids always knew when mom was encountering them. They could hear me scream from anywhere on that one and a half acre plot. My daughter named them. My sons chased them. And collected their shed skin. yucko!

  2. :)) Including the snake; each creature is so precious and adorable...

    Thanks for sharing such beauties with us...

  3. What is it about snakes that most of us dislike? It's a pretty colour but if I found it in my garden I would run a mile. The bunnies however are a different story.

  4. Love the bunnies and the quail,the snake not so much! I look forward to the pictures you will share after visiting Cottage Grove!

  5. I have three snakes living in my home as pets - have had them for 12 years - so I find the picture of the snake not so offensive :)

  6. Seeing that snake would have put an end to my working in the garden -- or going anywhere near that garden until I knew it was gone!

    The bunnies are very active in my yard right now, but it's been so dry and hot they aren't bothering the green beans at all.

    Sleeping in on a weekend morning sounds awesome!


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