Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Box of Chocolates

Design - "Random Thoughts of Spring"
Designer - Erica Michaels
Fabric - 40 count Vintage Magnolia Lakeside linen
Fibers - WDW Scuppernong - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 12 May 2012
Completed - 30 June 2012

This is far prettier than the scan shows.  Scuppernong's variegation is wonderfully emblematic of Spring.  I changed the world on the right side from 'blarney' to 'verdant'.   

It's time to mosey over to The Garden Party at an Oregon Cottage.
I have a Box of Chocolates to share!

As you can see, I like brown plants!

Here's my Box of Chocolates.  

Dark chocolate, white chocolate, and milk chocolate.

Echeveria 'Dark Prince' 

Crassulla marnerarianun 
This looks like mummy fingers! 

Echeveria 'Milk Chocolate'

Everyone should have some chocolate in their garden!


  1. Beautiful, both the finish and the plants!

  2. Beautiful, both the finish and the plants!

  3. I would have to agree Beth, as you have seen I have a chocolate garden bed!! I love Random Thoughts of Spring.

  4. What a great day to check in! I haven't been perusing blogs that much lately, but am so glad I came to visit today and see what's new and what I've missed.

    Spring completed, a box of chocolates that is very pleasing to me (and WW friendly), your awesome July header, Spot and Dot, yet more amazing bird pix, a bullfrog, a trio of turtles, and chenille flowers!!!

    You have made my morning...and it just started to rain...I am in seventh heaven right now. The five minutes of rain we get per each week of 90+ degree days isn't doing it. Hoping for more than five minutes now...it looks promising for maybe twenty minutes according to the radar.

    Thanks for the morning fun.


  5. Hi Beth: So many pretty pictures in your post! I am particularly drawn to your charming Patriotic sampler in the second row of your header--I love the designs in that one--beautiful. And I have been really taken with succulents this year, and yours are just gorgeous! Forrest Gump would be proud with the box of chocolates! Take care, and have a great 4th!

  6. Such a pretty finish, Beth--really wonderful! And I love how you changed the word--verdant sounds just perfect. I'll have to remember that if I ever decide to stitch this one...

  7. What a nice finish and your box of chocolates are wonderful! Love your new blog header too!

  8. oooo it looks lovely and well done on getting the wording to fit too :)
    and love your chocolates .... the best sort ... last for ages and good for the hips ahahhah :) love mouse xxxxx

  9. Very pretty color combinations that work together! Love the title of them, "box of chocolates." Very fitting!!

    Take care,

  10. I love Random Thoughts of Spring!! The color is just perfect and I like the way verdant turned out!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.