Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just Bee-cause

I do love all things 'beeish' - bees, hives, skeps - at least as stitching motifs.  I've kitted up Heart in Hand's "Alpha Mania - B" as my next stitch.  My Lakeside linen fabric arrived so I'll be able to start stitching my 'big' hive project shortly. 

Another Wednesday - how about a walk? 
We'll begin in the fields near Twin Oaks Elementary School - about 2 miles from my house.

Guess what was growing through out the school's flowerbed? 
Yep - more Coast Manroot (Marah oreganus).

This plant had already begun to set fruit.  I'd never seen a member of a squash family with fruit in early June.

And in the fields surrounding the school...

Mule's Ears! (So called for the big narrow leaves). 
The Narrowleaf Wyethia (Wyethia augustifolia) is a native wildflower that grows in grasslands.

I wonder how many kinds of wild peas there are...

...and how many kinds of 'Yellow Composites'.

I thought this wildflower so interesting - what a unique structure it has. 

I was pleased to see some Blue Dicks (Dichelostemma capitatum) in the field.
Our native Western Yellow Oxalis (Oxalis suksdorfii) is growing in the dry woods - and blooming!

I just noticed that the Big Leaf Maples are loaded with seeds.  The seeds are part of the buffet that the Evening Grosbeaks and the Band Tailed Pigeons enjoy.  

Before we end our walk, let's take a moment to enjoy this lovely blue fellow.
Thanks for coming along today. 


  1. I'm with you, I love anything to do with bees! I can't wait to see this one stitched up.

  2. All items of the post are bee-utiful! :))

  3. Beth I just love your blogs! I have a wonderful tapestry my Mother has sewn which is lots and lots of bees/hives on a red background, really gorgeous = just not sure what to do with it yet, inspiration will come! Thanks for your comment on my blog - I am now sewing " Noah's Weeping and a Blessing" - very apt here at the moment as it has rained and rained for days! Summer? - not here yet! Happy sewing!

  4. I love the chart you've picked to work on next, its going to go great with the skeps you've finished recently.

  5. I do love that blue fellow!So pretty!

  6. My mom just requested this earlier this evening for a busy bee to be added on her sampler. I just love all your photos on your blog.

  7. Beth, I have tagged you in my blog. Go check it out and have fun!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.