Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I suffered from 'trigger finger' yesterday and accidentally published this post.  I instantly removed it, but if you subscribe to my posts, you might have already read this - my apologies.

Design - "Monthly Markings - June"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast line
Fiber - WDW & GAST - 2 threads over 2 strands
Started - 17 June 2012
Finished - 18 June 2012 

Gosh it's Wednesday already - this week is flying along rapidly.
Let's take a deep breath, slow down, and take a stroll. 

Mid-June finds the Corn Lilies (Veratrum californicum) in full bloom.

This time of year it is easy to see how they got their name.  They are anywhere from 4' to 6' tall. Quite pretty and deadly poisonous.

I found yet another wild pea blooming...

...and the first Western Trumpet Honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa) blossoms are glowing in the dark of the forest. 

I've now found a very large patch of the Seep-Spring Monkeyflower or Common Western Monkey Flower (Mimulus guttatus). 

The problem I have is getting a good close-up shot.  They are growing in what amounts to a bog, and I'm not up into wading in water and mud up to my knees. 

The Red Columbine (Aquilegia formosa) are lovely now.  I keep waiting to find a hummingbird working in a clump, but so far, no luck with that.

I think one of the prettiest things right now are the berries of the Indian Plum / Osoberry (Oemleria cerasiformis).  The colors are rich in hue - orange to red to plum to burgundy.

This is one of the last groups of Lupin still in bloom.

The Hazelnuts (Filbert Betulaceae) are slower than most other trees and strubs.  They are still putting out new foliage and haven't even begun to bloom yet.

We have small patches of Western Yellow Oxalis (Oxalis suksdorfii) under our Oak trees. 

In a week or so, the tight green buds of the Hardhack (Spiraea douglasii var menzieii) will be a wonderful rich purple.

The small, delicate flowers of the Pale Flax (Linum bienne) add color to the meadows in mid-June.

It's getting warm, so let's stop off on the front porch and sit for a spell. 


  1. I just love the colour of the honeysuckle. The large patch of primrose monkey flower looks very pretty but I don't blame you not wading out further.

  2. What a magical place for walks! The plants are so unusual and very lovely too!

  3. OMGoodness! These are some of the most beautiful flowers I have seen this spring. Are they all wildflowers or are they cultivar? Each is prettier than the next. I love them all. Does the Hazelnut bear fruit? That is one of my favorite nuts but I have neither seen nor heard of them growing in our area. I am jealous.
    Thanks for sharing.
    I am a new follower.

  4. What a cute finish - perfect for June! Look at all those gorgeous flowers. I love lupins but lost mine this year, they got infested by 'something' and I had to clear them out.


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