Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Green and Greener

I am loving working with Scuppernong stitching "Random Thoughts of Spring" on 40 count linen.  I can say this even though I'm going to have to frog out the large flower as I'm off two threads horizontally.  Keeps me humble.  Count twice, stitch once!

As the month of May ends, my world retains the vibrant green of early Spring.  Let's take a Walk in the in Green World. 

First up, our stalwart of the coniferous forest, the Sword Fern (Polystichum munitum).  The new fronds are especially lovely - with shocking green tips that becomes darker along the spine of the frond.  As the fronds age, they become almost green/black in color.

Our little wilding Apple has successfully set fruit. 

The Western Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia) is about done blooming.  Most of the shrubs are now setting fruit.

The fruit of the Serviceberry begins life rusty colored and becomes deep purple as it ages.

Pacific Ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus  is a really lovely shrub.  I like how the rich brown branches contrast with the green leaves and white flowers. 

Speaking of green, the Giant Horsetails (Equisetum telmatiea) are mustered at attention straight and tall.
Somebody has been eating on the Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana).  Every leaf on every plant along our Big Creek is studded with tiny holes. 

Speaking of the Big Creek...The banks are now lush and green and the slow moving water has a faint green tinge to it.

The Cherry trees continue the 'Green Theme'.  Even the fruit is green.

And how could we have green without a few shamrocks thrown in?
This is an Oxalis of some sort.

A small detour in my 'Green Theme'
I love how the Red Columbine (Aquilegia formosa  shout out in this sea of green.

This is Red-Stem Ceanothus (Ceanothus sanguineus).  It grows on the edges of forests in dry open sites.  This was growing on a bank along the edge of the road.  The flowers are supposed to be extremely fragrant.

Like the columbine, the whirligigs (seeds) of the Vine Maple (Acer circinatum) make a lovely accent statement.

Now that it has begun to bloom, I'm quite certain that this is Salal (Gaultheria shallon).  The bush can be anywhere from 6 inches to 5 feet tall.  This grouping is all very low-growing.  Native Americans mashed the Salal berries so that they could be dried into small cakes. Early settlers learned to make syrup and pies from the Salal berry. It also purported to make good jam and jelly. 

Every child in rural western Oregon knows about Cleavers (Galium aparine).  This 'sticky' weed contains numerous small prickly spines; the plant attaches itself to just about anything and everyone.  As a child, it easily hitched a ride on my socks as I roamed about.

I'll end our Walk in the Green World with more of the same. 
These are the new leaves of an Ash tree, bright in the indirect sun.

I hope you enjoyed the walk.  Next week - a Look at Wildflowers.  


  1. Lovely shades of green all round. I admire those of you who stitch on 40 count. I just can't enjoy it at all.

  2. Great progress! Love all the green. :D

  3. What a lush setting you have to gaze upon while stitching spring :)

  4. This is why I love living in the country so much. Beautiful. Your stitching is coming along wonderfully too.

  5. How big is your property? You sure have an abundance of beauty all around you!

    That shamrock you showed is considered a weed here and we call whirligigs helicopters. Columbines are one of my favorites. I have them in orange, blue and copper colors.

  6. Wonderful pictures! You have quite an eye! As for Scuppernong I love that color and the name. Its one of my favs. Happy stitching!

  7. beautiful the serviceberry edible? I had never heard of it before.

  8. Catching up on my blog reading. I sure enjoy my walks with you. The stitching is looking great. I know that saying.. count twice ..stitch once! lol But I rarely use it... lol


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.