Friday, May 11, 2012

Chick and Chips

I managed to get in a bit of stitching yesterday afternoon.
Flower done and rooster started.

Thursday morning was cold - the birdbaths had shards of ice.  This time of year a light frost is pretty much shrugged off as far as the plants are concerned.  No damage to anything.  The last couple of days have been sunny - but cool and windy too.  We are supposed to have warmer weather Friday through Sunday - Joy!

Lately a couple of the chipmunks have taken on suicide missions and are hanging out on our Back Porch.

Thursday morning Parvati gave it her best effort while I was busy filling the bird feeders.  I returned just in to save a life, as she was batting the chipmunk between her paws like a ping-pong ball. 

The silly rodent then ran into the stack of wood on the Back Porch, and proceeded to yell at Parvati for the next half hour or so - thus continually reengaging her interest in Chipmunk Annihilation.

No one ever wrote a doctorate on the intelligence of chipmunks...

..and there are many good reasons why! 

Silly 'munks - they are cute though!


  1. Your new work looks very cute as well as chipmunks. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Very cute, and very lucky chipmunks!

  3. Oh that's hilarious about the "muttering munk". I've seen that same behaviour here but with a squirrel. Quite funny. Glad you got to save a life though.

    Nice start on your new piece!

  4. Cute but very silly - like Melissa mentioned we have squirrels that do the same. They run up the wall and then "bark" at our poodle.

  5. They are adorable!! Wish we had them in Florida. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Your new project is looking good!The chipmunks are sure cute even if not too smart!


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