Friday, April 13, 2012

A New Book

I've long admired French cross stitch designer Marjorie Massey's work.  Her charts are both expensive and hard to find in the US. She recently published a new book of charts which I'd seen on eBay - again with shipping charges - expensive.  But I messed around with Google a bit and found that I was able to buy the book on a secure website for about $19.00 with free shipping!  I ordered on March 30th and the book arrived yesterday. 

This week has seen a mix of sun and rain (over an inch of rain).  Spring continues apace, and I always enjoy the chartreuse of the Cottonwoods. 

I see more of Chip now that Spring is here.

Isn't this a verdant looking rivulet?  This little seasonal creek comes down the hillside from our 'old' house across the street.

The Sapsucker hammered away happily in the morning sun.
We are forecast to have decent weather this weekend.  I have lots of gardening chores calling my name.


  1. Interesting looking book - love the design on the front cover. Gardening chores are calling my name as well, but have to ignore them this weekend. Off on a mass camping trip with friends. Should be about 22 folks camping with us. Will try to take pix!

  2. ooo well done on finding the book you wanted :)
    glad to see chippie back
    and as for gardening chores .. desperate here but we have had hail storms today soooo a stitching day was required :) love mouse xxxxx

  3. That new sampler book looks great. Don't you love finding something that you have been searching for? In reading the comments, I wonder if there is a link between people who love to do cross stitch and those who love to garden?


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