Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Easter 1960

Remember when folks dressed up for church, and for Easter services, they really dressed up?  That's me with my maternal grandparents.  Can you tell I was the first, and much adored grandchild?

Happy Easter Everyone!


  1. Happy Easter and just love that photo and yes we used to get a new set of clothes for Easter and we had to wait wear them to church on Easter Sunday....
    love mouse xxxxx

  2. Happy Easter to you too. I remember going to Sunday School every Sunday morning and not being allowed to change into trousers when we got home. Going out to play with friends was a no-no too. How times have changed.

  3. Happy Easter, and what a great photo of your grandparents, I love her hat!

  4. Happy Easter Sweetie!

  5. Yes, a different world now. I was the first child and grandchild, too. I think I had the same hat!

    Happy Easter.


  6. Happy Easter Beth- I too was a first born grandchild and it was wonderful! Have a great week -

  7. What a great picture!! I made my dear husband wear slacks instead of his usual jeans to church this morning!

  8. Times have changed!! I still dress up for Church. A dress or skirt. It was instilled in me being brought up in the South.. That you dress your best for worshipping. I love your picture and it does look like they adored you very much!
    Happy Easter!

  9. I still remember the days when people dressed up for many of the events in their life, church on Sunday being one of them! And it was lovely!

  10. Adorable!! There were a few ladies at our service with hats on, and I was wishing I had worn one! Happy Easter to you!

  11. Oh, how adorable--your grandparents look like they just can't get enough of you, Beth :) Hope you had a wonderful Easter!


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