Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dodging April Showers

Design - "And Noah Opened the Window"
Chart - Leisure Arts "Noah & Friends"
Designer - Jane Chandler 
Fabric - 28 count Antique White linen 
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads 
Started - 4 April 2012
Completed - 16 April 2012

This ark has a different look than any of those featured in my Blogger header this month.  It makes a nice addition to my Noah collection, and was worth suffering through the twelve (not that I was counting) French knots. 

While I've not had to build an ark (gopher wood is so hard to find!), I have been been dodging April showers while working outside.  As it's Garden Party Time at An Oregon Cottage, I have pictures to share.  

My pansies have just been troopers this winter / spring!  And now they've been joined with primula and spring bulbs.  I also moved all my Hostas out from under the picnic benches - most have signs of life already.  Even on a rainy day, I go out on the front porch.  I walk back and forth looking at my 'color pots' and breathing in the heavenly scent of the two Daphne on either side of the porch steps.

While I love tulip bouquets, I've not had very good luck growing them.  But this pot of "Border Legend" is deserving of its name.
I am just amazed - my pansies are lush and floriferous.

Not the least leggy...

No aphids - I sing praises to pansies!

Here are primula and spring bulbs on my other picnic bench.  I have a couple of pots of muscari residing there  - next week it'll be Muscari Picture Time.  You can see a couple of the Hostas are fully leafed out.  I may be wrong, but I think we're going to be frost-free from here on out. 
The Front Porch is 'Spring Ready'!

Oh-oh!  More things to plant!  I had three winning tickets at the Avid Gardeners' meeting Monday night.  I picked up another Eyrithronium revolutum (Fawn Lily) - the pot has 3 or 4 plants in it so I'll have a nice cluster of them.  I got another Hellebore and an Arisaema taiwanense - a Jack-in-the-Pulpit - a plant that will look like a hooded cobra!

Padma prefers to nap on rainy days. He was able to retire is "Super Cape" Thursday evening and now has a matching set of rumpled ears post-surgery.  He thanks all who send him good wishes on a quick recovery.


  1. Dear Beth,

    What a lovely post. Just like the other posts of you.

    I like very much Noah's Ark in different way and your plants.

    Spring on the air!

    Best wishes,


  2. Oh the dreaded French Knots, how I dislike them. I often cheat and do Danish knots instead.
    The Ark looks great and Padma looks so relaxed.

  3. Thanks for the wonderful post :) Flowers certainly help to get me in the mood for some spring and some outdoor weather! Happy Stitching!

  4. Pansies and primroses--just gorgeous! And so glad that your cat is feeling better.

  5. That is really a sweet version of Noah's Ark! Love your flowers. Since we have had such a mild winter and warm spring, we have many things in bloom. Love it!!

  6. Noah's Ark is very sweet...I like all of them a lot. We had a ton of rain this past weekend...it flooded some of my floer beds next to the house and I thought they'd never dry out...but it's warm again...that's how it goes down here! I enjoyed all of your pictures...we have a ton of pretty pansies and violas right now...they are 2 of my favorites...so easy and bright! Have a great day!!

  7. Love your Noah finish! 12 of those tricky knots is a lot!

  8. Your spring porch is looking so pretty! I love the dark blue pansies. My problem is , my orange whisker pansies that I planted last fall for Halloween still look great in the pots. The color clashes with the spring colors in the yard but I just can't throw out such healthy and hardy plants. The ark is lovely. Those french knots fall through the linen! Good job!

  9. I wish I had your green thumbs, Beth. Your flowers are gorgeous! I kill everything I've ever tried to plant... including cactus >.<


  10. Your latest Noah finish is adorable, Beth! I had no idea there were that many Noah designs until seeing them all lined up in your header. Why, there's even a Noah mitten!!

    I sure wish I didn't have my deer problems to contend with--I would be planting much more than I do. It is just so frustrating to have everything mowed down that we have basically given up on making our flower beds look pretty!

    All of your plants look wonderful--congratulations on winning some new ones, too :)

    Hope Padma is recovering quickly...

  11. Love seeing all the flowers. Cute finish too!!

    I'm a big believer in the Colonial knot. French knots are so hit or miss for me. :(

    Poor kitty. Glad he was able to ditch his cape though. I'm sure that makes him feel a little better.

  12. Lovely flowers! I just love tulips and petunias.

  13. How I understand Padma!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.