Thursday, March 29, 2012

Post # 1000 Before Cross Stitch

After several months lurking on the net, and a blogging class at my local library, on June 10th,  2009, I published my first post on GG & CSF.  Almost three years later, here we are - 240 Followers and Blog Post #1000.

I feel like that calls for a Walk.
It this case: A Walk Down Memory Lane.

Because I hoard carefully store and archive my crafting, we can stroll back to the 1970's and 'My Life Before Cross Stitch'. 

Before you pass judgement keep in mind crafting creations of a teenager! 

I'm sure you're impressed I still have the instructions and the plastic "Flower Maker" ...

...for "Ele-fantasy".  This qualifies as a BAP - it's 18" or so wide and 12" high.  It's a combination of embroidery and funky flowers.  I think reflects my Junior High School taste circa 1972.   

A bit later I became interested in Needlepoint. 

I used to buy small printed canvases and wool.  Then I was off tent-stitching my teen-aged heart out.

My color tastes have not changed dramatically - I still like periwinkle!
This one I think is a High School creation.

...And I still like mushrooms!

Isn't this a funkified piece of embroidery?  The fabric is quite yellow (not greenish).  There is nothing quiet about it.  I noticed that in the 1970's I was buying these kits at my local Department Store.  Remember when a Department Store had more than clothes and jewelry?  They also had books, and toys, and art prints, and sewing notions, and a stamp-collectors department.  

Love and Peace 4 U, 4 All, 4 Me
Goodness - I was probably wearing bell-bottoms too! 

Does anyone recognize this board?
With the addition of a few pins (and some instructions) I created many a fine macrame choker with this set up!  Once again - I'm still in love with the colors I used back in the day!

I hope you enjoyed My Walk Down Memory Lane - My Crafting Life Before Cross Stitch!  


  1. Love this post. I had one of those flower makers, dabbled a little in the small canvas projects, and always will love periwinkle!

    The elephant does qualify as a BAP!


  2. Wow! That's great that you still have this stuff. My mother still has my first cross stitch piece, my husband has my first embroidered piece. Have a great day! :)

  3. Boy, you took me down memory lane - especially your Love, Peace stitching. I got a chuckle out of the bell bottom comment! You weren't in style if you didn't wear bellbottoms! LOL Your macrame colors - I absolutely love that combination!!

  4. Congratulations on 1000 posts, Beth--that is really amazing!! I've barely cracked 100 in the three years I've been blogging. I wish I had half your energy :)

    That is so neat that you have so many of your old creations! Wonderful walk down memory lane :)

  5. WOW! 1000 posts - that's fantastic! As for the walk down memory lane, I think I've been to these places -LOL! I started doing embroidery when I was about 6 years old and I use to love to go to JCPenneys and the local dept. stores to look at the fabric and craft stuff they had. Great memories!

  6. lovely! i do like the sunflowers a lot, they have such a sunny effect. But boy, you did a lot of crafting when you were younger, right! congratulations on your 1000 posts.

  7. Yep, you took me along on my memory lane. I did the macrame and the needlepoint, but my family leaned more into knitting and crocheting. I have some of my knitted pieces laying around, but some have hit the Goodwill bin.

  8. It's fun to look back and wonder about choices and how tastes change.

  9. Those were the colors of the 70's! Amazed you still have all that stuff, what a treasure!

  10. wow thanks for the tour ... brought back a few memories then :)
    and amazing you still have them too :) love mouse xxxxx

  11. It looks like you have always been a very crafty person!!! I used to be a quilter.I find cross stitch so much more relaxing!!!Plus the product is a more manageable size!

  12. Like every one else I walked that path with you, loved seeing your photos, but I so wish I had some of my old items!!!!

  13. Wow! I love this post. It is great to see your earlier projects.

  14. Yay, 1000!
    Loved seeing your crafty past. What a hoot. As a child of the 70's, I can definitely identify with some of the motifs/color combos going on here.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.