Saturday, March 31, 2012

Liebster Award

You like me, you really like me! 
If you aren't familiar with the word Liebster, it means 'favorite' in German,  and the award is a way for bloggers to help each other out by spreading the word about cross stitch blogs with less than 200 Followers.

The Kathy at Gracewood Stitches and Heather at It's Geek to Me both nominated 'Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles 'as a Liebster Blog.  Thank you both for the award.

As part of the Liebster tradition, the award is passed along to 5 bloggers that have motivated and inspired you. To accept the award you should:

1. Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them.
2. Post the award to your blog.
3. Give the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers that you appreciate and value.
4. Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.

I am happy to offer the Liebster Blog Award to these 5 blogs:

1. Melanie @ Moonraker Lampwerks - a great stitcher, awesome knitter - and the beads she makes!  Oh my, the beads!  Can anyone say Stash Enhancement!

2. Barb @ Wicked Stitcher - a Pacific NW stitcher, she shares her wonderful stitching and photos of the lovely Field Trips she takes in western Washington.

3. The Inspired Stitcher - a Midwest stitcher with great stitching finishing skills (always envious of that!)
4. Maggie @ Black Country Wench - a UK stitcher in the Midlands shares her superior stitching with wit and charm - her own unique personal voice!  

5. And last, but certainly not least a HUGE shout out to Tammy @ Stitching Blogs We All Luv to Read - Tammy maintains not one, but two large blog rolls of cross stitching blogs.  She performs a wonderful service as a One Stop Cross Stitch Reading Center.  I've 'discovered' several new stitching blogs on her two websites.  I certainly do not expect Tammy to nominate anyone as she serves that function by continually adding and updating her Blog Rolls.  You Rock Tammy! 

I'm not a real fan of Blogging Awards, but I am very aware of just how many days and months (and years) I toiled away at this blog with no Followers and only my sister and mother as loyal readers.  For a long time this was nothing more than an on-line yet 'private' journal of my stitching and other interests.  I wondered if there was anyone else out there in the blogosphere who would ever think that what I wrote and photographed was of interest to them.  Then slowly, slowly the first few Followers joined up.  My Big Break came when Edgar of Blacksheep's Bit of the Web fame put me on his Blog Roll.  With his large readership I gained yet more Followers, and was added to more Blog Rolls. 

So Blog Post # 1002 is a Great Big Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog, comment on my blog, and make blogging fun and interesting conversation. 


  1. ooo well done on your award but mmmm wasn't there a few things you had to say about yourself
    feel as if I've missed out hehehe and cooo a real break from Edgar there then .... hope you have many more great years of blogging :) love mouse xxxxx


  3. Congrats on your award. I know what you mean about your early days of blogging.

    I have been blogging for a little over 1 year.

    Hope you stop by and visit.

  4. Congratulations on the award :) You certainly deserves it.


  5. Thanks for nominating me and for continuing to share such beautiful pictures with us everyday! It's fun to see what's going on in someone elses world. Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.