Monday, February 6, 2012

A "Heart-y" Good Monday Morning!

Design - "Sweet Exemplary"
Designer - Ewe & Eye & Friends
Fabric - 28 count Bittersweet Lakeside linen
Fibers - GAST Simply Shaker "Pomegranate"
1 thread over 2 strands
Started - 2 February 2012
Completed - 3 February 2012

Isn't that a sweet one?  I wanted to stitch it last year, but did not have the Bittersweet linen.  I'm glad I waited until I had the called-for linen, as it is a wonderful mocha color.  The design uses just one color of floss, "Pomegranate" - the variegations in dying make it appear as though I've used multiple colors.

We had a pretty sunrise Sunday - I caught just the tail-end of it. 

Three Steller's Jays looked on as I put out sunflower seed. 

The veins of this leaf were outlined with frost.

"Can't you go faster?" asked the Wren.

The deer are fans of sunflower seed too.

This doe has learned that I set it out along the top of the woodpile for the ground-feeding birds. (To keep them safe from the Outdoor Cats).

She stands on her hind legs, props up her front legs against the woodpile, and munches happily away!


  1. Cute stitched piece, and amazing pictures. How very smart that doe was to watch you and see where you were "hiding" the goodies!

  2. Love your sweet little stitch :-) perfect for february.
    Great wildlife shots too, aren't the deer clever, they certainly know how to make the most of your kindness in feeding the birds! LOL

  3. Pomegranate is the perfect color for this little design!
    I love the deer. Unfortunately, around here there seem to be too many hunters.

  4. Love the sampler finish, Beth! And another wonderful day on the trail...thanks for the visuals :o)

  5. The pinks in your pretty stitching match the pinks of the sunrise! Very nice finish, Beth :)

  6. That little sampler will look wonderful with other valentine smalls. The colors are so pretty. Love those nature photos!

  7. Your finish is so cute -- and appropriate for the season too! Love all that fabric in your last post. Yum- o!

  8. Cute sampler piece. Love the colors.
    Great photos once again. I especially like the one of the wren :)

  9. oooo love that finish and the pomegranet is a lovely colour...
    and mmm resourceful deer love mouse xxxxx

  10. And a wonderful morning to you as well..... and all your garden friends... and your sweet stitching :)

  11. God is a wonderful artist and he paints such beautiful skies.

    I thought that the Pomegranate threads were similar in colour to the sunrise.

    Animals can be so enterprising in their search for food.

  12. What a cute finish. I love the color and put that on my list for my next trip to the LNS.

    Thank you for taking care of all the creatures. You are are kind soul!

  13. Love those birds and deer. So adorable. I look forward to your collage headers each month. Nice finish btw


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