Friday, February 10, 2012

Fix it Friday

Today is "I Fixed it Friday".  Here's why...
I changed the identification of a bird below from Goldfinch to Pine Siskin thanks to a heads up from Kim...and 

When I originally posted this finish on February 3rd, I had a pair of crummy asymmetrical French knots for the eyes.   My blogging buddies came to the rescue with several different solutions including: Colonial knots, Danish knots (very pretty!), and Mill Hill beads.  Beads, duh - so easy - that's what I did, and I think it looks much, much better now.  

My original finish of "Snowdrop" posted yesterday just wasn't cutting it for me.  I'd become obsessed with the inappropriateness (is that a word?) of DMC 3782.  My solution - frog it out and replace it with DMC 3866 - a gentle white.  The result?  Much improved to my eye anyway.

No fixing needed to any of the critters below - Nature did a stand up job to begin with.   

A plump little Junco.

Even in the depths of Winter, the Pine Siskins are managing to find seeds in the dried heads of the Teasel.

Munch, munch! 

A House Finch

This Pine Siskins are very plain, but for a bit of yellow on the wings.

They are erratic birds - I often had them at the house across the street in dense forest shade.  I rarely see them here in open sunny brambles.

This morning, the Steller's Jays beat the deer in the Great Stale Bread Grab and Go Race.  The jays are so very greedy.  They attempt to grab two, three, even four pieces, before they lumber off to a tree to gulp down their repast. 


  1. I agree with both your fix-its. i use beads anytime I can get away with it instead of attempting French knots. Birds are beautiful!

  2. I love the color change, snow drops are white. Love the birds photos too.

  3. I love your blog - it's one of my few "must reads" every day. Your fixes are super! Well done! Thanks so much for sharing your photos with us. Kate

  4. We share a love of stitching and birds, great pix. Is that a Pine Siskin you have instead of a winter Goldfinch?

  5. uh huh both fixit's work for me .... can't wait to stitch that little snow drop now .... hopefully after this weekend ...
    bird photos are a joy to look at ... still cold over here .. my birdies are getting used to me being in the garden when they are feeding again sooo hopefully take out camera I will get a good piccy :) love mouse xxxxx

  6. I like the white better on the snowdrop too. The eyes on the snowman look good! Good for you for fixing things -- I tend to be too lazy and just settle for whatever. lol!

  7. Oh, good...another great Junco picture! Love your Stellar Jays, too. I think they might be prettier than our Blue Jays, who are very striking. They apparently have the same personalities.

    Cute little's that time.


  8. I do like the "new improved" project better. Your bird pictures are wonderful!

  9. I don't care if you misidentify your birds....I love your blog....Your garden photos are lovely as is your handwork.



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