Monday, February 13, 2012

Collecting Hearts

Design - "Collector's Heart 2009"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 6 February 2012
Completed - 10 February 2012

This is a less than perfect photograph.  When I end up using a 'big raised button', on a stitch, the scanned photo is then a bit blurry near the button.  I tried to take a photograph with my camera, and while it was nice and clear, the color of the linen was so 'untrue' that I decided 'a bit blurry' was the most accurate way to present the finish.  

We were surprised with frost again Sunday morning.

I had several Juncos waiting for me.

Oh, but the noise from the Steller's Jays!  The cacophony of a dozen or more argumentative Jays was the morning's discordant symphony. 

I was pleased to see a quiet Towhee patiently waiting in the Hazelnut brush.

And a ubiquitous Junco.  I like this photo for several reasons - the play of light on the breast of the bird, the contrast of frost with latent buds and catkins, even the delicate spider web by the bird's tail.   Pretty good composition.  

I don't much care for Starlings as they over-run my suet feeder.  The immature birds do have an attractive spotted pattern on their head and back.

Mary asked about the Fiddlehead plant stakes.  I did find a source to buy them as a set of three on line -  


  1. That a pretty little heart! Love the pictures of the birds. I need to go pick up some more bird seed today and some more suet blocks. It turned really cold here and the birds are hungry! take care -

  2. Sweet finish, Beth! Love the bird photos. We get a lot of starlings here. I prefer the more colorful birds but have a soft spot for the starlings, too.

  3. Another cute Valentine's finish, Beth--the button on this one is very special :)

    Are those pussy willows coming out in the photo of the one Junco? That really is a lovely photo--everything about it is wonderful!

  4. I love the starlings, we call them the thugs, they raid the garden in large number just like teenagers.
    Love your hearts,

  5. Another cute HIH finish Beth.


    PS I still haven't stitched any yet.

  6. That button looks great on the big heart. Your header with all those hearts is so pretty! It must be a big bird day, we had woodpeckers including a flicker at the feeder today.

  7. The Towhee is beautufully coloured and marked.

    Happy Valentines Day xxx

  8. Love the heart but even more the birds!!
    Happy Valentine Day!!!

  9. Love love love your new finish!!!


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