Friday, January 6, 2012

Signs of Spring in Winter

I needed something small and quick as a take-along last night.  This fit the bill.  I'm stitching the top mitten on the right sidebar of the "Sisters and Best Friends" design. 
I think Spring is never far away in the heart and mind of a gardener, especially when visiting a garden center.  In Oregon, the weather has also been doing alot to encourage me to think that Spring is only days away.  For the past few days we've enjoyed sunny skies and temperatures in the 60's (F) - this isn't normal January weather!
I think seed displays are great eye candy!  The many of packets have such pretty artwork.

I liked this Bee Banner.

Look at the pristine lines of the galvanized watering cans and buckets.

Can hose wands be eye candy?  If the colors are pretty enough - yes! 

Okay, I confess, we have this bird house, and yes it gets used each year.

If I had a young gardener in my life, I'd have to buy this rake and shovel!


  1. Oh there is nothing like a garden center to get one excited for Spring. I love the graphics on the seed packs. My friend has a collection of vintage ones displayed in a little bathroom and I spent way too much time in there! LOL - have a great weekend!

  2. You just had to show that rake and shovel didn't you? Now I have to go out and find that for my DGD!!

    Lily says thanks - LOL!

  3. Ha! Love that birdhouse!! Looks like a great visit to the garden center, Beth--and your little mitten is adorable :)

  4. My garden is all confused, my rhodendroms are in bud now rather than May and I still have last summer's marigolds out.

  5. I love artful seed packets and I might have had to have that shovel and rake for myself ;) We're all just big kids, right?
    Indiana weather has been very mild for Dec & Jan so far also. Today it is very sunny here & 59 which really makes spring fever run rampant.

  6. ooooo eye candy for a gardener it ... fab bird house and we have got tulips flowering and also my peony has come out in bud !!! weird ... love mouse xxxx

  7. You went to that fantastic garden store again! Now I'm going to have to go back and find your old post and try and remember what it was we both really liked on it. Those shovels are great!

    Its been super warm down here in California, too warm actually. Feels like summer and I never did get any real winter before leaving Utah.

  8. I love those shovels! My favorite garden center closed last year--thanks to the recession here--and I miss it SO much. There are two others in town, but I loved the one that I went to because the owner was always willing to share tips and advice to counteract my brown thumb.

    Have a great weekend!


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