Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Rain Returns

I've started work on "Chill Out" a kit by Heart in Hand.  I needed something portable for basketball games on Thursday and Saturday - this was just the ticket.

Solomon was quite taken with the idea of Hermit Stitching.  He further suggested Hermit Sleeping as a hobby. 

I've a few things in bloom in late January including this primrose

and my ornamental kale

and I've got several pansies going strong.

The daffodils are beginning to poke up out of the ground - a sign of things to come.

As today is a rather dreary day, I think Solomon has the right idea.  Make sure you schedule an Afternoon Nap. 


  1. Oh my, that primrose is lovely! And the kale has such neat texture.

    I'd love to schedule an afternoon nap...would you mind calling my boss and telling him it's necessary? =)

  2. I'm right there with Solomon. Wonder if they'd notice if I shut my office door and laid down on my nice blue rug?

  3. Pansies are one of my favorite flowers because they give us color all winter! We had an unusual warm spell a couple weeks ago and our daffodils are coming up. That is bad because we should have a lot more winter before it's spring here!

  4. Pansies are one of my favorite flowers because they give us color all winter! We had an unusual warm spell a couple weeks ago and our daffodils are coming up. That is bad because we should have a lot more winter before it's spring here!

  5. Solomon is adorable! I love his name. Your Nine Snow Guys is so cute--great job! I don't think I've ever seen a white kale before--interesting--very pretty!

  6. Love the picture of Solomon! Makes me want to curl up and cuddle next to him! :-)

  7. cute snowman for 'to go'!!!
    And the primrose is so pretty! I saw some for sale at Aldi today, but knew it would be too cold in my car before I could get it home....

  8. well I scheduled a morning nap with Bentley today ..lol love the flowers coming up .... I found some dafs coming up in my front garden the other day will keep you posted :) love mouse xxxx

  9. Check! Nap insured itself today as eyes stopping fighting to stay open. XD Primrose are so pretty...hmmmm...I need to get some. I like the hat on the snowman.

  10. Hi

    I have just stumbled across your blog for the first time. you have some lovely stitching and an adorable kitty.

    I really love how you have done your header.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.