Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gifts for Gardeners and Some Gifts for Everyone

Someone commented that they liked the tree designs in my Christmas stash. 
With that input, I decided "Silent Night" by Amy Bruecken Designs would be my next stitch. 

Yesterday I went to Down to Earth to buy some peanuts and suet for the woodpeckers.  I came away with alot of gift ideas for gardeners and non-gardeners alike.

Owls are one of my favorite stitching motifs.
'Who Who' could resist this cute little guy? 

I can't think of anyone who would turn their nose up at a pot of Paper-whites.

Okay flamingos are out of place here in the Pacific NW, but I loved the funky factor of this group of five.

Paper-white bulbs for forcing - the color and scent of Spring in the deepest of Winter. 

This picture does not do the glass beaded tree justice.
I want it, I want it, I want it! 

And I want this guy too!  The grasshopper is large - about 16" long,
and dare I say it?  Cute as a Bug!

I've been taking alot of photos of mushrooms lately, but I've not come across any examples as colorful as these glass ones.  

You know you're a gardener when...
You drool over a display of gardening tools!

Don't you know someone in your life who'd crow to have this rooster?

Great gift ideas and puns at no charge!


  1. Thanks for the smiles this post brought me!!

  2. Lots of lovely garden gifts, I really like the owl and the beaded tree.

  3. OMG, it's Beyonce, the giant metal chicken! Okay, so it's way too small to be her, but that's funny anyway.

  4. OMG - you know I want that giant chicken -- he'd look great in my garden - heck he'd look great in my front yard but I have a feeling the neighborhood association wouldn't agree - LOL. Great gift ideas.

  5. How fun!! I love that grasshopper!

  6. Love your choice of stitching project and the shopping ideas!

  7. hahahah ...love those bugs and owls and mushrooms and mmmmmm those spades weren't to bad either hahah .. love your new start too :) love mouse xxxx

  8. Silent Night is going to be so pretty.
    A lot of wonderful ideas for gift giving not only for others, but for yourself as well. :) Love the animals.

  9. Great chart you picked for your next stitch! I really liked a lot of those gift ideas, really interesting, but I love love love that grasshopper!


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