Friday, November 4, 2011

Gardening in November

Chessie & Me "Quaker Bee Sampler" 

Look, look!  Bee Skep - Done.  Alphabets - Done.  Numbers - Done.  Bees 50% Completed.  All that remains are two bees and the flower motif - all stitched over one...hmmm...

I mentioned last week that my Mom and I had visited a local Nursery.  

We bought two Agaves (in the back), a couple of Cyclamen, and several Pansies. 

I managed to get everything planted...

...and set out on the Front Porch.

It's nice to have a climate that allows for some Winter color!

We also bought bulbs - Tulips, Narcissus, and Muscari.
They should make an appearance in March/April.  Gardening is an optimistic avocation after all.  You plant a seed or tuber or bulb and wait and see what will come.


  1. You're very close to a finish! I love pansies, you picked up some nice fall color at the nursery.

  2. oooo almost there :) love the riot of colour you have there, I need to get into my small patch soon and get something done with it ... love mouse xxxx

  3. Pansies are such cheery flowers, they never lose their appeal.

  4. Your place must be beautiful! Very pretty flowers. I unfortunately, never have the patience to plant seeds etc. ~ my sister on the other hand never buys anything already growing if she can grow it from scratch. :)


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