Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Sun Shines on the Farmers' Market

The "Occupy Eugene" demonstrators moved from the Park Blocks to Alton Baker Park Friday night, so the Farmers' Market was able to set up in its usual location Saturday morning.  And the sun shone!  A glorious October morning.

These carrots were colorful.

And it's the time of year for Brussel Sprouts...

and Pumpkins...

...and Apple Cider.  I had a sample it was good
Celeriac has shown up...

Surprisingly there were still Strawberries for sale.

Such pretty coloring on these heirloom Roma tomatoes.


  1. What gorgeous pictures ~ such beautiful colors. I don't think I have ever seen red carrots before. Everything looks so healthy and delicious. :)

  2. Your farmer's market looks like its still well-stocked with great produce. Ours always has limited produce, but this weekend there wasn't any at all. I can tell its getting to the end of the season.

  3. Oh, I enjoyed the market so much! I really wanted beets to take home. And honey, but the honey over 3oz. isn't allowed in a carry-on.


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