Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Changes and Starts

Having been in a "Blackberry Mood" lately, I decided to begin Little House Needlework's "Sweet Berries" as my next stitch. Ann at Friendship Crossing in Corvallis cleverly kitted up this freebie. I have a feeling the berries are strawberries...but hey, there are blackbird / crows so I can pretend it's an Autumnal stitch...and there are still strawberries available at the Farmers' Market.   

I had questions about my recent needlecase purchases - I'll post photos tomorrow.  

Each week the Tuesday Garden Party allows me to share Front Porch and Back Patio discoveries and changes.  Though in western Oregon we may not have a hard frost until the end of October, the temperatures have finally moderated, and it feels like Autumn.  At this point I always look around and am in awe of all the growth from early May when I first set out small plants in pots.  Harvest time really is a time of abundance!  So once again, here are pictures which document growth and change.   

June 20, 2011 

August 14, 2011

September 9, 2011
And if I were totally accountable, I'd now post a photo called "Munch".  Two nights ago a deer came up on the patio and pretty much annihilated this poor grouping...    

June 20, 2011

September 9, 2011
The Hummingbirds have loved the three Agastaches.  The formerly large sedum on the back right also got munched two nights ago.

June 20, 2011

September 12, 2011

June 20, 2011

September 9, 2011
Did you know that deer will eat Lavender?  They shouldn't - but nonetheless someone munched on the back right Lavender - all the blossoms and most of the leaves.

And here are some photos from my sister's Kitchen Garden. 

July 24, 2011

September 12, 2011
The squash are going to consume everything!

July 24, 2011 

September 12, 2011

July 24, 2011

September 12, 2011
The garden is fast running out of room even though the deer are keeping the edges trimmed.  We cannot help but wonder just how much space the two
Marina di Chioggia squash plants would take if allowed free reign!


  1. Looks beautiful! I love the June picture of the pots. I think I may do succulents next year.

    We have deer, too. Such a pain! I had to yell at them the other morning in order to chase them out of the yard. My shining a flashlight on them did nothing!

  2. That's a lovely garden despite all the damage done by the deer.. I've been admiring it for a few weeks now. I have no talent for gardening but I'm giving it a try..I have mostly orchids and palms and such, with no particular order!

  3. I love seeing progression pictures of what the plants start out looking like and what they end up looking like--always interesting to me. And the vegetable garden looks lovely as well.

  4. Between the deer and the bunnies, my garden has been popular too.

  5. Your potted plants are simply beautiful. well, what the Deer left you...lol
    Nice post

  6. I have a succulent/cactus garden of sorts and mine are being eaten also....by squirrels. Makes me so mad I could just spit!!! Your garden looks wonderful.

  7. I love your new start! I have had that in the stash for awhile--LHN does really nice garden/berries/fruit pieces, I think.


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