Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bee Over One...Watering Cans Over Easy!

Hey a bee - do you see a bee?  Do you realize that I had to frog most of it out and restitch it - which as it is over-one was a real bummer and a challenge.  Anyway, I'm over it and here's the progress on "Quaker Bee Sampler". 

It's Tueday - time to join the Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage

The Coburg Antique Fair had quite the selection of old watering cans.
I dithered and hemmed and hawed, but decided not to buy.
Instead I took another look at those I already own.
This one belonged to my maternal grandparents and I'd not be suprised to find that my Grandfather made it. 
As it turns out, packrat that I am, I have too many several watering cans which I display on the Front Porch amongst my plants.  

This is my newest purchase - isn't it pretty?

The nights are getting cooler...

...soon I'll need to tuck away some tender plants in my mini-greenhouse.
But not quite yet.


  1. ooooo! I LOVE the greenhouse! I have a tiny cold frame on my front porch. Need to clean it out (spiders moved in... so actually, need to get HUBBIE to clean it out. Heheeh...) and move some pots in there soon too.

    Beautiful watering cans too! Love your newest one!!!

    Take care,

  2. oh dear sorry to hear about the frogging ... love the progress after though ... love those cute watering cans :) love mouse xxxx

  3. You can never have too many watering cans! :) And that mini- greenhouse makes me totally jealous! ;)

  4. The watering cans are beautiful--what an interesting-looking collection to add among your flowers. And I love your greenhouse!

  5. I too collect watering cans.....why can't we ever have enough? xoox, tracie

  6. ugh...frogging over 1...that's a challenge but it will bee a wonderful sampler! I had to stop buying old watering cans when I discovered I was buying duplicates of ones I already had haha!

  7. Never knew there were so many different types of watering cans. Wonderful you still have your grandparents...

  8. Those watering cans are really cool, so many different shapes and colors. It took me forever just to find one that was reasonably attractive and functional.


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