Monday, September 5, 2011

Baby it's HOT Outside!

I put in a bit of time stitching on "Button Button".  Now it's time to begin the vase and "Got the Button".  This is bigger than I thought it would be, though I did measure out the fabric before-hand...

Labor Day Weekend is turning out to be a scorcher!  Yesterday the temp reached 92F.  That was not so bad, but for the first time this year smoke from forest fires in Eastern Oregon drifted this direction.  So it has a hot muggy day, with pale yellow diffused light and the smell of woodsmoke in the air.  Yuck!

It did not appear to bother my tag-team of Heckle and Jeckle.... 

They were on the look-out...

..and we were awash in bunnies no more than 50 feet away...

I don't know why Parvati and Tom never noticed...but I'm thankful!

This blurry shot is my attempt to capture a Scrub Jay with a Hazelnut husk.  He was pounding it open on this cross-beam...very ingenious!

There were so many bunnies, they were tripping over the quail families. 

Oh and deer too - everyone seemed to know it was going to be a scorcher.  So all were out and about in the cool of the morning.

Others chose (wisely) to stay inside and benefit from air conditioning.

And last night was our last International Space Station sighting.  We've watched almost every night since early July - competing to be the first to spot the satellite.  Good summer fun.


  1. Love your WIP...the blues are stunning!

    The kitties are very stoic and handsome! Thanks for the pics of the wildlife...aren't we lucky to live in areas where we can enjoy such treasures?

  2. It's interesting to see the difference in colour between the two puss cats - when you show them on their own they look similar but when you see them together there's quite a difference.

  3. Fun to look at your critter pix, but I absolutely love the moon photo.

    I'm very happy that after having two 94 degree days in a row, that we had some Oregon type weather here in Cleveland today...64 degrees and breezy. Love that.


  4. LOL at your cats not going after the rabbits that were so close. Every year around Easter, our cat would bring us back a rabbit. It was nice that he loved us so much but not quite so nice for the neighbor, who noticed the loss of his pet rabbit that he kept out in the yard... Yikes. I love your orange cats, though. I think I told you this before, but I have a soft spot for orange tabbies.

    Nice progress on your WIP!

    Enjoy the warmth! Our no-summer has turned into late autumn here with wind and rain. I think my family would have the heater on if they could turn it on w/o me noticing! LOL

  5. Lucky you to see quail! I've only seen them once.


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