Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hummingbird Sunday

I needed a "portable project' for a trip to Portland.  As I've been all about birds lately, I kitted up "Nest" by Ewe & Eye & Friends.

I've not taken a great bird photo in a while, so I was particularly please with this series of three photos...

In this one the focus is on the Mullein, and the Hummingbird is in soft-focus.

In this one, the Hummingbird is clear as a bell - iridescent feathers gleaming! 

And closer still...still with great focus and detail.

I think this fellow looks grumpy!

There's plenty for all to eat around here!

Maybe you can get "up-close and personal" with nature today!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.