Monday, July 18, 2011

Umm..Still More!

Yes, a few more purchases.  All these charts were in the $1.00 bin, so how could I go wrong?

We had a very (for July) wet weekend - 0.5" of rain on Saturday followed by 0.7" of rain on Sunday.  It made for an Indoor Weekend and though I've not posted pictures, I did manage a finish and kitted up a couple of new starts.  I'll share this stitching extravaganza as the week progresses. 

So on another Gray Day, we will examine the joys and rewards of Foliage (versus Bloom).

The plants on the Front Porch weren't much bothered by the wet weather either.

My coleus have come into their own...

And the Baby Tears thrives in this kind of weather.

The ferns are happy...

And though I seem incapable of growing these "Hot-house" Begonias successful indoors...

I seem to do okay if I have them outside as the weather allows...

This two-toned Hosta is a beauty.
Now I need to look at the weather forecast and see what's it store for this week!


  1. Oh what great bargains - every chart is a good ome! Love the pics of the different leaves. I've been selecting a lot of plants for their leaves which stay pretty even longer than their blooms. Who knew there were so many gorgeous shades of green?

  2. You got some great bargains. It always pays to go through sales bins - you never know what you'll find. And love your garden pictures as usual. We've gotten no rain around here for the longest time and our plants sure could use some.

  3. Great bargains! Your plants all look very happy...wish we could get some rain...I'm tired of watering!

  4. oooo bargain bins :) nice finds there :) and your plants are looking lovely too :) love mousexxxx


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