Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Bird Day

I'm coming right along with "Painted Egg" by the Cross Eyed Cricket. 
A fun stitch - I'm enjoying working on it.

Tom-Cat says, "Enough with the stitching and plants already!  There are birds everywhere this time of year!" (Ironically Tom-Cat is lurking amongst the Rabbit Foot Clover).

Birds, yeah, we've got lots of birds...Big old Band Tailed Pigeons...

Here's a contrast size-wise - Pigeons and fearless baby California Quail.

Our largest California Quail family has between 13-15 little ones...

The family is now wandering further on our driveway...

For dust-baths... 

And in the front and backyards too...

Most of our Violet Green Swallow babies have "flown the coop"...

But as of two days ago this one was being fed by his parents - living a life of leisure!

In the evening light this Hummingbird...

And the foxglove glowed!

There are plenty of "good eats" for everyone this time of year!


  1. Wonderful pictures! Your Painted Egg is too cute...I love that perky little guy perched atop the egg!

  2. Wow those hummer pics are awesome! Nice little birdie WIP!

  3. Your blog is so refreshing and I look forward to reading it every day. What got you started doing this and tell me more...You must have some kind of biology degree to give the education of plants and wildlife that you do. My dream would be to turn our land into what you have done with yours. Could you tell me how to use large sections of land to turn it into different natural habitats like you have done. I dont mind so much about having all the fanciest flowers. Just some sustaining plants that will come about without tons of weeding. I would like to take a large part of our back property-at least a acre and let it just grow. Of course I would have to consider the neighbors though we do live in the country. Jim and I love wildlife and anything we can do to attract them would be fun. I am looking for a relatively inexpensive easy upkeep(I am not able to do hard work). Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks again for such an amazing blog and the enjoyment it brings me every day:)

  4. cooo birdies every where :) great photos of the feathered variation and cute stitching too :) love mouse xxx

  5. Love your Painted Egg WIP, Beth. I've stitched that one twice and will probably do it again for a friend--it is such a sweet pattern!

  6. Gorgeous photos. alove the ones of the quail. :)

  7. Being an animal and bird lover I thought your stitching and pics were awesome! Good to see your fun blog.

  8. Painted Egg is so cute !!! Beautiful pictures too !


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