Monday, June 20, 2011

Spring Things and Summer Hive

Design - "Summer Hive" (Black Sheep kit)
Designer - Ewe & Eye & Friends
Fabric - 32 count Cream Graziano
Fibers - DMC
Started - 1 February 2003
Completed - 13 September 2003

This is another framed piece from my Bee Collection.  It first glance it appears pretty straight-forward, but it has several speciality stitches.  The entire skep is made up of "long" stitches rather than cross stitches.  The base has Rhodes and Smyrna stitches.  The center of the sunflower is stitched over one (rather than filled with French Knots).  

Yesterday's weather was much improved so we were able to have our neighborhood picnic!  In the morning though, it was easy to see traces of the rainy Saturday.
This bunny was eating raindrop covered grasses. 

Raindrops on grass-seed head

Raindrops on grasses. 
I'm trying to find information on identifying meadow grasses - thus far - no no avail.  But I continue to search.

Rain / dew on meadow grasses.

The Chipmunks are getting pretty brazen when I bring out the sunflower seeds!

Parvati was pleased to have the sunshine return.


  1. That framed bee piece is adorable! I love the animal shots...they are too cute...we have a racoon that has been raiding the peanuts...I don't mind though...he's so cute!

  2. Ah, adorable bunny and chipmunk!!

    And your stitching is lovely, congratulations!

  3. ooo nice skep :) and adore the photos of the animals :) love mouse xxxx

  4. Wonderful bee finish, Beth! All the specialty stitches are fun to do and make a piece so wonderful to look at.
    Great nature pics, too!

  5. Love this Ewe & Eye piece. They do such great designs, dont' they? Your photos are wonderful - I really enjoy your view of the nature around you.

  6. Lovely Bee finish Beth and your header picture has so many beautiful pieces.
    Love the bunny and chipmunk pics!

  7. Hi Beth! I bought the company Ewe and Eye and Friends in 2005, and Summer Hive was one of the few designs that was missed when Barb and Kam sent me the hundreds and hundreds of designs of which I bought the rights. If you still have the chart and original photo, would you please let me know on our Facebook Page:
    I posted earlier today about this design. I so hope that I will hear from you.
    Many thanks,
    Ruth Sparrow
    Twisted Threads
    Ewe and Eye and Friends


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.