Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Garden Party @ Xera Plants

Design - "Primitive Smalls 3"
Designer - Dame of the Needle
Fabric - 32 count Meadow Rue Lakeside linen
Fibers - GAST
Started - 12 June 2011
Completed - 12 June 2011

I was right - this was a perfect "Take Along" stitch.  I took it on a bus trip up to Portland, OR on Sunday.  Peacocks are one of my favorite motifs - this was an especially pretty one I think.

In honor of the Tuesday Garden Party over at An Oregon Cottage, I thought I take you on a tour of Xera Plants 

My mother, my sister, and I headed off to Portland on Sunday with a group of nineteen "like-minded" Avid Gardeners.  We left Eugene at 8:30am and headed north to Portland, OR.  Our first stop: Xera Plants. 

Xera is a wholesale nursery which serves some of the better retail nurseries in Oregon and Washington.  Paul Bonine's mission, as encapsulated by the nursery name, is to offer an alternative to water-intensive gardening.
Thus the the nursery has a great selection of sedums and sempervivums...
Hebes and conifers...

...and Agaves. 
My mom found two interesting Agaves to add to her small collection.
Since last year, the nursery has put together some nice displays of their plants.

Anything potted up, screamed to me, "Buy Me!"

But I endeavoured to show some restraint!

After exploring the 8-10 greenhouses, I ended up with several sedums and Escheviria.

I also got some interesting Penstemon, Agastache and Salvias. 
It was a great start to a Gardening Adventure Day!  


  1. Isn't that cute finish one of the smalls you showed yesterday? You're really fast in that case. It looks lovely.
    Love the pictured of the potted plants. Although I stay these days away from them. Here in Australia anything in pots dries way to fast and has less chance of survival.

  2. What a lovely peacock finish! Pretty colours, too.

  3. love the peacock too :) and lovely garden centre as well :) love mouse xxxx

  4. Look at how pretty those potted plants look with the light-colored mulch they put on top of the soil--it really sets the plants off well. Do you happen to know what it is? It looks like it might be vermiculite or perlite, and I'm guessing it's something that helps those plants that enjoy dry conditions do better in containers.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.