Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tiniest of Starts...Finishing with a Florish

Today's theme as noted in my post title exemplifies my stitching and gardening...
I have the tiniest of starts on "Shabby Chick" to share with you.  I actually multi-tasked to stitch even this much - stitching while installing HP Printers software to try and get my printers working once again.  If today pans out as I hope it will, I might have some time (more than 15 miutes anyway) to sit and stitch - JOY!

Gardening though is about finishing (almost anyway) with a florish!

It's another Tuesday Garden Party, and there's lots to report!
I've spent dozens hours over the last ten days working on getting the Front Porch and the Back Patio ready for Spring / Summer.  Though the weather has been mostly cool and gray, I've not had to dodge many rain showers.  After working outside yesterday from 8:00am to 2:00pm, the end is in sight!  I've just two more flats to pot up and six or so "replacement plants" (i.e. Basil) to buy.

Here's a Front Porch - "Before and After" 
Before - May 13, 2011

After - May 23, 2011
The three imposing chairs are lined up to deter the deer from climbing up the steps!  Not very friendly looking, but it serves its purpose.

And a Back Patio "Before and After"

Before - May 13, 2011

After to the Left - May 23, 2011

After to the Right - May 23, 2011

My Fuchsia display...

Hostas and Ferns...

My Strawberry Pot Collection...

My Sedum / Thyme Theatre

I'm pleased with what I've accomplished in the last ten days.  I still have to put out my kitchy Garden Art, but that won't take long and can be done on a rainy day under the cover of the front porch.  I hope your gardening efforts are also bearing fruit! 


  1. It really looks great!!!
    Good thing you answered about the chairs, I was a bit confused at first! haha!

  2. It looks great! I was wondering about the chairs too, but we have deer around here, so I totally understand the set up.


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