Thursday, May 12, 2011

Stitching Stash and Stash of Another Sort

I've had this stash of Blackbird Designs for a while, but seeing Siobhan's recent finish has inspired me to share my purchases (as I do not have any recent extrardinary heirloom-quality finishes to share).  The nice thing is that several of the charts are for smaller designs which fits my stitching mojo best!   

My Mom was wonderful help and we spent Wednesday morning cleaning up the Front Porch - prepping it for Power Washing on Friday.  We removed all the pots of bulbs (past their prime) and pansies (past their prime) and sundry other pots whose contents did not survive our cold Winter temperatures. Oh and we took down the Christmas lights too... 
Once the Power Washing is done, I can Plant To Excess - have an "Extreme Planting Session".  Until then I don't want to "Dare the Deer" with new, green tempting items, and I don't want anything more on the Porch that I'll just have to remove for Friday's cleaning session.

So now I have quite the Plant Stash awaiting my attention.      
What did I buy at the Saturday Plant Sales?  Hmmm, what did I not buy?

Hostas and Ferns...

Dwarf conifers - I'll name varieties when I pot them up... 

Yet more sedums...

Oh, and Coleus too - I think I got about a dozen (and more mini-Hostas)... 

And I finished up with yet more Fuchsias and Begonias.  Lots of new to me begonia varieties - I can't wait to see how they perform.

I think I have eleven flats of plants to set out!  Let's not stress about the work and time involved - it's a hobby, right?  It's supposed to be fun!  


  1. Wow, love both of your stash purchases! You will definitely be busy for awhile potting up all those plants!

  2. Seeing Siobhan's finish is motivating me to get back to my AotH. Love all the plants and can't wait to see how you pot them up. My peonies are in bloom but it is still too wet to put in annuals. Can't wait for things to warm up more --take care!

  3. ooo love all those BBD's :) lady like drool here .. I am starting to get the AOTH series very slowly
    love the plants too you will be busy :) love mouse xxxx


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