Saturday, May 7, 2011

Off to Enjoy Saturday!

Birthdays, life and such took precedence, so not much to show on the stitching front.  I did manage a small start with "Cluck Cluck".

Before I head off, here's a deciduous tree that is glorious on a rather gray day.

Madrone - Arbutus menziesii
Such a pretty tree right now with its creamy sprays of flowers.  It is native to the US West Coast. It has glossy green leaves in the summer, and lovely orange-red peeling bark which provides year-around interest.  It likes a sunny, well drained location.   

I tidied up my large green pots.  I successfully over-wintered the conifers, salvias, and penstemons - wah-hoo!  I refreshed the soil with some mulch and slow release fertilizer.  Then I put in some lobelia and million bells for quick color - nothing else needed. Oh yeah, except the wire cage that protects the plants from deer munching!

Now I'm off to a couple of Saturday Plant Sales and perhaps the Farmers' Market too.  

"Bye-bye", says Chip.

"Adios", says El Conejo... 


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.