Friday, April 1, 2011

Wow It's A Foolish Day!

No jokes here - I promise!
Okay...once stitching progress.  My excuse reason being that I decided to get creative with my blog header.  And yes, it took me literally hours (using Picasa after an abortive attempt with another unnamed photo editor) to create the above new collage.  I hope you think the time was well spent.  I need to play with it more than once a month to get better / faster.

I am also trying not to obsess dwell on the fact that it is now April, and I have not completed my February BFM (Big for Me) stitch, nor my March BFM stitch, and I should be starting on my April BFM stitch.  Whose idea was this anyway?  Can I bring a class-action lawsuit against someone? 

Thursday - amazingly the sun shone for an hour or so, but even with clouds the day was very warm - mid-60's.  I am finally feeling much better, so I went outside to have a look.
This small "wilding" is blooming - it is probably a wild cherry.

And Chip the Munk was outside...

Looking oh-so-cute and photogenic.

Notice his tail - it is rimmed with much longer lighter colored hair.
A striking fashion statement!


  1. Wow, you did a beautiful job! I use Picasa for lots of things too, it's fun! But your display is really nice.

  2. Love your new header. It was definitely worth your efforts!

  3. Your new header looks really good, well worth the time. I know what you mean though, if you do a thing regularly it is so much easier. Little chipmunk is a bonnie little fellow - very cute.

  4. Your time was well spent! I stopped to look closely at the header before I read your post! Chip is looking very cute!

  5. oooo very nice .. well worth the time and effort :) love the little chip monks :) love mouse xxxx

  6. What a festive Spring header. The images of the chipmunk are so wonderful. I love watching them scarring around. It looks like it is posing on the limb for you. LOL!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.