Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring and Chickens and Eggs

I've decided a need a "little" project. 
It's Spring...moving toward Easter, so I've chosen to kit up the Hen and Chicks (top row) of this Prairie Schooler chart.  I think making an actual chick ornament is way beyond my skill-set, but I can be happy with a rectangular finish. 

And speaking of domesticated fowl, last weekend I was the happy recipient of a dozen fresh chicken eggs laid by Alice, Grace, and Lily. Chickens can make a wonderful addition to your garden - eatting small pests and providing fertilizer. 


Look at the lovely eggs!
Alice laid the blue/green eggs, Grace the red/brown eggs, and Lily the pale buff eggs.


No need to dye these for Easter - they are lovely as is!

Alice, Lily, and Grace
Thanks so much girls!

There are more Garden ideas at The Tuesday Garden Party.


  1. look forward to seeing your new start progress, lovely eggs, well done girls :-)

  2. Your new start is perfect and those eggs are so pretty! Why can't we get those at the supermarket~?

  3. I love the blue/green eggs. We used to be able to buy blue eggs and they tasted lovely but can't anymore. Very spring themed!

  4. That PS pattern is on my list.
    What beautiful girls!!

    Love this post so very Springy!

  5. I'd love to keep chickens, but our HOA won't allow it :( Love the colors of those pretty eggs.


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