Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hearts and Observations

Design - "Twin Hearts"
Designer - Brightneedle
Fabric - 28 count cream linen
Fibers - Anchor - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - February 2011
Competed - 14 March 2011

Very cool use of color - copper and bronze and other un-February colors...
and the "scattering" of the hearts with the asymmetrical border.  Most cool!  

Tuesday morning saw a break between storms, and I went outside to take a look-see.  I'll share some of those photos for Outdoor Wednesday.

It was a mild morning - clear and calm - lots of raindrops on the grass...

Flopsy and Mopsy came by as soon as I'd scattered sunflower seeds on the ground.
Chip the Munk regarded the seeds as manna from heaven...

...and an open invitation to an "All You Can Stuff in Your Cheek Pouches Buffet".  I just read that the capacity of the cheek pouches increases with maturity. When the cheek pouches become full, the chipmunk deposits the seeds in its nest, or buries them in shallow holes which it digs in the ground, then covers the seeds with earth, leaves, and other litter. Oregon had five species of chipmunks - these guys are probably Townsend's Chipmunks.
A Steller's Jay - In my decades of observing them, I had never noticed the brilliant blue feathers above the bill, between the eyes.  What a lovely detail! 


  1. those animals look so adorable! the bird is so beautiful, i love its color and the details!

  2. oooo lovely photos .. love the colours on the stellers Jay and the chipmunk is too cute ... well done on the finish too :) love mouse xxx

  3. Lovely mix of colours on the Brightneedle design, very pretty. I love that Jay - it's a beautiful shade of blue.

  4. Congratulations on your finish and your fantastic photos! Chip looks to be quite a character!

  5. Your animal photos are awesome! I've never even seen a Steller's Jay to even attempt a photograph. The chipmunk is too cute for words. Congrats on your finish--beautiful stitching.

  6. I'm not sure which I like better, Beth--your stitching photos or your wildlife ones :) Your header is fabulous--you sure can tell what your two passions in life are!

    The jay is amazing--I've never seen a bird like him and I always love seeing photos of the bunnies.

  7. A lovely finish. And beautiful pictures of the animals!

  8. What a lovely finish, such pretty colours. Love the bird pics too.


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