Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Good Day for Critters

I worked on BOAF's "Alphabet Sampler" yesterday.  The bird on the right appeared out of nowhere, and quickly over-took the bird on the left.  Such are the quirks of a squirrely stitcher!  I did mention that I stitch holding the chart and the project upside down?  Nothing more quirky than that!

Lots and lots of activity yesterday on a warm, blustery day. 

Fortunately, we have a professional to guide us!

And other observers as well - including these two Turkey Vultures.

Chip the Monk was out and about...

As were the California Quail...

and the bunny...

and the Mourning Doves.

Mr. Gray Squirrel shows up rain or shine.

The suet feeder though was particularly crowded with a male Hairy
Woodpecker and a Red-Shafted Flicker. 

The best surprise, though was the return of the Bluebirds!
I hope they decide to settle close by. 


  1. ooo well done on the stitching ... i stitch upside down too on occasions .. love the photos today and I hope the bluebirds settle near by for you too :) love mouse xxxx

  2. I have never seen the bird below the woodpecker before, it's a very attractive bird indeed.


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