Thursday, February 10, 2011

Next Up on My 2011 List I Present...

Wow!  Lots of comments on my "Winter Walk" post of yesterday. 
Thank you one and all for your kind words.  The generous spirit of the blogging community continues to confound me!  
Stitching is generally a solitary occupation, but by blogging I have the opportunity to share my experiences with a larger group of like-mind individuals.  I do so while worrying to myself, "Will they like my Baby? I like my Baby. My Baby is pretty, isn't? Isn't my Baby pretty?"
Yes, a little neurotic that's me! 

So next up...
It's "Sweet Winter" by Brightneedle. 
I'm going all out here, and am going to stitch over one, yes over one, on 30 count R & R Park City Blend.

I'm a bit nervous - I hope my eyes are up to the task ahead.  
The fabric is cut so there's no backing down!  I am looking forward to using these lovely Silk 'n Colors fibers.

The only thing the little brown bunny wanted to count was sunflower seeds, but he was terribly outnumbered by quail.
"Hey - there's room for everyone!"

"How about some elbow room?  Oh right, you don't have elbows!"

"Pushy pushy pushy"

"Finally - Sunflower Table for One please."


  1. Don't be fearful of over one. You might get hooked. Use good lighting and you'll be fine. Happy Stitching!

  2. What a great project!! Good for you for going over one. It will look fantastic either way though. :)

  3. What a lovely new start you've decided on. Good luck with the over one!

  4. Love your bunny photos. I think they;re my favorite "wild" animal; they're so beautiful.

  5. Good luck on your over one. I will say that the fibers are gorgeous. It will have to be wonderful just to stitch with them. Can't wait to see the progress.

    And so far, I have loved all your babies. I believe that most of us are similiarly neurotic!

  6. Oh Dear Lord I love the quails and bunny! And your sititchig, of course your stitching.... but your wildlife is too cool :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.