Sunday, February 6, 2011

Late Winter...Early Sensation

Truly I've been stitching on "Winter Walk".  I'm now to the boring part - back and forth, back and forth with white for the snowguy.  It does make for good TV stitching, but it doesn't require alot of active brain cells!  I've about 12 more rows to go...

And though it is still very much Winter, perhaps Punxsutawney Phil had it right for Oregon anyway! 

Take a look at our Early Sensation Daffodils!

I think this is about the earliest they've every bloomed!

It's nice to have some Spring color already.


  1. Oh how cheerful those daffodils are! I need spring soon!!

  2. Love your Snowman and how nice to see those gorgeous spring daffies.

  3. Love the daffodils!! By the way, I come to your blog everyday to see your gorgeous pictures of the animals, birds, flowers, and land (not to mention the awesome needlework). I'm in Louisiana and the only seasons we have are hot and brown! lol

    Thanks for sharing....

  4. I love your snowman, he's adorable.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.