Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chickens and Other Critters

I took advantage of a "Super Bowl" Sunday sale, and I was able to snag a couple of great chicken charts!  I'm especially pleased to now own "Cluck Cluck" by the Stitching Shed - a British designer, and "Les Poules" by the Tom & Lily Creations a French design team - both are hard to come by in the US.

We had a storm move in last evening - with it blustery wind, and finally, some rain.  I can't tell you the last time it rain - very unusual for this part of the world.  January and February normally = rain.  

Friday morning Doris Deer came by...

And Chester Chipmunk awoke from hibernation (it has been so very mild) to partake in a few sunflower seeds.

I told Mr. Gray there was more than enough to go around...

Even Spot and Dot could eat their fill.


  1. Love your new stash acquisitions, especially "Les Poules"!

  2. What great stash acquisitions! You know I'm be over the moon about the chickens - Cluck cluck it just gorgeous -- love love love the bright colors! Happy stitching-

  3. Our deer only visit at night. Great pics and post. jim

  4. Love the new stash! Your BOAF sampler looks great--they do such beautiful designs!


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