Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday Ramblings...

Thank you, thank you!
I received lots of good suggestions for stitching the eyes and mouth (or not) on "Winter Fling".  I think I'll leave him speechless, and go with Colonial Knots for his eyes.  Again, many thanks for all the help.

This afternoon I'll be attending a University of Oregon Basketball game so I need a small portable stitch.
I've chosen "Snowman Scissor Companion" by Ewe & Eye & Friends. 

It's small enough that I might finish it up this afternoon.  
Who was out to greet me Friday morning?
A doe and her twin fawns.  Everyone is fat, and healthy.

All have heavy, rough, shaggy coats.
Must be all the Vitamin E and Selenium ingested from the sunflower seeds they eat!


  1. What a sweet little design. Enjoy the stitching and the game!

  2. Thats about the cutest fattest little bird (in your header) I have seen in a long time!!!....Too cute...(and your stitch projects are cool tooooo!~) Faye

  3. What a cute take-along project! And I think your bird photographs are amazing--the detail in the bird in your header is wonderful...

  4. Looks like another fun little project. I have never seen deer in their winter coats up close before - really cool!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.