Saturday, December 11, 2010

Indoor Doings and Outdoor Observations

I worked, and worked, and worked most of the day yesterday decorating for Christmas. 

The problem is...I'm a Collector!

I collect salt and pepper shakers...

 and Christmas tins...

and I like kitchen-themed ornaments.
So I have alot of stuff to set out each year.

While I was puttering away yesterday morning, I heard the high "pikof a Hairy Woodpecker.

The Jays and the Woodpeckers love to munch on the suet I put out this time of year. 

In the bird hierarchy - woodpeckers rule!  

I continue to hope that someday a Pileated Woodpecker will stop by!


  1. From one collector to another, you have some great items! I too collect snowmen and tins and have a smaller, but ever growing collection of Santas -- I can't help it, they just make me smile!

  2. Love your Mary E Tins

  3. Great collections! Always love seeing pictures of "your" birds!


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