Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Rime of Icy Snow

Design - Snowman Ornament
Chart - "Let it Snow"
Designer - Val's Stitchin' Stuff
Fabric - 25 count Navy Lugana
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 22 November 2010
Completed - 22 November 2010

I was inspired by our little skiff of snow to stitch up this little guy.

I do have several pictures to share for the Outdoor Wednesday Report.

Tuesday morning I awoke to a rime of icy snow.

Fortunately I'd filled all the bird feeders late Monday afternoon.
The doves came by first thing to eat. 

A bit later the California Quail dropped by.

The morning was grey, still and cold.

A little bunny came out of the brush to forage...

Closer and closer...

and closer still!

 The "formerly-feral" Tom-Cat had no desire to be outside.

He was wise enough to stay inside - warm and dry. 


  1. I agree with Tom-Cat. Best place to be and with lovely views :)

  2. Congrats on the finish! What an adorable snowman. Love the nature pics, but your Tom Cat is the best! ;)

  3. Cute snowman!! And cute Tom-Cat!! I agree, a nap in a nice warm bed is always a good thing

  4. Your cute cat has the right idea. Lovely photos but I'm in sunny Florida so they look lovely to Thanksgiving.


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