Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's Mid-June. No Wait; It's Mid-November!

I've only stitched a bit on "Humble Gratitude" - and now, posting this picture, I can see I need to work on the tail of the burgundy heart as it has come untethered...oops!

The weather in this part of the world has been remarkable, if only because we've yet to have a killing frost.  So I'm celebrating Outdoor Wednesday with an update on all the fuchsias I still have still blooming their little hearts out! 

I'm lazy and did not look at the tags for names...but love this deep purple fellow.

And these two floozies look like something from mid-June not mid-November - at least in this hemisphere!

This shy fellow is darling in its simplicity.
This one is Barbie-doll pink!

And these are such elegant little earring blossoms...

Not a fuchsias, but this begonia refuses to give up the ghost!
I need to get a move-on as the weather forecast is now calling for a chance of snow-showers this weekend.  If that does not put a move in my get-along, then nothing will!


  1. I forgot the name of this flower and they are so gorgeous. I love how deep purple and deep pink it got. Great capture.
    Outdoor Wednesday

  2. what fun! those pinks are a treat in November aren't they? I love the one you called, Barbie pink!
    Happy Outdoor Wendesday!

  3. Those fuschias are gorgeous! I'm envious of your growing season. It is nice to be reminded of warmer temps, as I wait for spring again!

  4. I love Fuschias. Gorgeous colors.


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