Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween and Echinaceas

Halloween is just a week away, and I've not stitched anything which commemorates the day.  But fortunately, I just purchased "Halloween Pin Garden" by Raise the Roof, so I'm ready to go!

Yesterday the first big storm was to arrive.  We were lucky and had a pleasant, if gray day, until about 5:30pm. Then the skies let loose! 
This morning when I looked at the rain gauge it had over 2" (full to the brim) and Lake Clos du Bois (a monster puddle in our front yard) has reappeared.      

I did take a few pictures of autumnal color to share.

Echinacea "Matthew Saul"

Echinacea "Sundown"

We do not have alot of color in our forest as it is mostly Douglas Fir.  The ash and the cottonwoods loose their leaves very early on, and the few oaks just go from green to brown.

That "leaves" the native Big Leaf Maples to provide the color interest.
They do glow!

We have about a dozen Big Leaf Maples.

Most are poorly shaped - with broken tops -from injuries sustained when this property was logged in the late 1990's. 

1 comment:

  1. Cute pincushion design. I'm sure you'll finish it in time for Halloween :) Love that yellow flower. Is that a Black-Eyed Susan?


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